Twitter Blocked in Pakistan – Permanently or Weekend Testing?
By Administrator in Don't Block the Blog! | 3 comments
As of 1:00pm Sunday has become inaccessible to all users in Pakistan. Practically all ISP’s have reports of users complaining of being inaccessible. Ever since the reports emerged we have asked affected users to help test the site from their ISP connections and within minutes we had hundreds of reports The traceroute shows a very interesting fact, the block is at the DNS level, the url is not resolving right from the get go
traceroute: unknown host
When you do a simple traceroute for
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 2260.190 ms 0.864 ms 0.705 ms
2 ( 24.729 ms 24.442 ms 21.330 ms
3 ( 43.865 ms 43.745 ms 43.108 ms
4 ( 46.673 ms 46.131 ms 45.280 ms
5 ( 45.757 ms 46.353 ms 43.939 ms
6 ( 43.749 ms 44.675 ms 44.910 ms
7 ( 44.823 ms 44.716 ms 45.713 ms
8 ( 181.540 ms 179.108 ms 180.835 ms
9 ( 175.123 ms 176.314 ms 176.563 ms
Shows that the pings head to PIE [Pakistan Internet Exchange] in Rawalpindi then to the Karachi PIE server before heading out to Yahoo. Twitter does not even get beyond the first hop
My gutt feeling is that PTA is just testing their URL Filtering system, we had reports of them testing some image servers on facebook last week, and it disappeared by the evening. PTA choose Sunday to avoid any legal backlash exploiting the courts day off. I also dont buy into the argument of Express News that the access to Twitter was blocked due to an ongoing “competition” of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) caricatures. As no one knew about this “in Pakistan” and it was an unknown issue on twitter to target this portal on Sunday afternoon, there seems to be no evidence to come to that conclusion and feel Tribune should be careful in making such sweeping statements on such a sensitive issue can spark an outlash. I definitely believe they are testing their system. Though the civil society has to its credit a stay order on the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority preventing them from blocking websites obtained on 19th April 2012 which can be used against them.
Once they get through these testing days, I am sure it can be later used as and when needed. Though the argument presented by PTA is that it needs this technology to crack down on terrorism-related issues, one may never know when it can be used for political censorship, as highlighted by groups like us4bg in their discussions on surveillance and freedom.