Don’t Block the Blog

Speaking up Against Internet Censorship, the world over

February 12, 2010

PTA blocks website : Make Pakistan Better

In an email sent just now by the webmaster of Make Pakistan Better, I was shocked to read that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Director General (Enforcement) Yawer Yasin has instructed all its Zonal Directors on 18th January 2010 to block the website on an IP level.

Since its blocked from Pakistan one can still view the website from Google cache and it shows some interesting anti-government articles which may have been the thorn that lead to the blockage. I believe this is a serious invasion of freedom of speech and sadly the PTA has not defined or responded to the reason why this website has been deemed objectionable for users in Pakistan

Upon contacting the website owner he explained

“This website’s main goal is to bring news to common public which our biased media has deliberately tried to blackout. We have many authors on our website who openly criticize the Pakistan Army, the PPP government & others individuals their write-ups, so I think our site is blocked because of these same hard hitting articles. You simply cannot block a website on the basis of having a strong and opposing opinion, because in a country where anti-Islamic or Anti-Pakistan site’s are not blocked and even in an Islamic state where practically millions of pornographic sites are wide open so the whim of blocking a particular site based upon strong criticism against a certain group of individuals in power should not justifiable or even accepted by society.

As a civil society activist for unrestricted free speech in Pakistan, I vehemently condemn this incident and immediately urge the government of Pakistan to remove this censorship with immediate effect.

Press Statement issued by Dont Block the Blog can be downloaded here Press Release by DBTB on MakePakistanBetter Censorship

13 Comment(s)

  1. Asim Ghani | Feb 13, 2010 | Reply

    The hilarious thing is that in his “SHUT UP!” video clip Zardari was lamenting the suppression of democracy in the past. So are the two bans proof that democracy is flourishing under the Co-Chairman-cum-Actual Chairman of the PPP? You’ll have to say one thing for the Co-Chairman-cum-Actual Chairman: he does keep Pakistanis entertained.

  2. webmaster | Feb 13, 2010 | Reply

    Make Pakistan Better is a think tank that welcome different point of views, general discussions and healthy interactions. We did not intend to edit articles and try to publish in good faith. However this site is running with the aims and determination to involve maximum number of Pakistani peoples to convey their thoughts and sentiments to shape Pakistani culture to meet with the modern challenges of the time. It covers all aspects of lives of peoples of Pakistan, we encourage writers to discuss religion, politics, history, philosphy, social aspects and science.
    We strongly believe on rule of law, independence of judiciary and free press, moreover writers are free to point out social injustice, and corruption in the society.
    We have no political ambitions and neither represent any political or religious group. It is natural that a large circle of Pakistani citizens who feel pain for Pakistan, keep strong feeligs toward Islamic identity of Pakistan and like our culture based on strong famiy values devotedly participate in discussions. It is not limited to our website, almost all independent Pakistani websites have same type of discussions.
    Porn materials is restricted and we edit abusive language and warn peoples if anyone try to use non parliamentary phrases. In current circumstances when peoples of Pakistan are passing through hardest phase in history of Pakistan, temprament of scholars and intellectual is in agressive mode, and a chance to convey their sentiments on our website causes release of anger and frustration.
    Peoples criticize government of Pakistan and representatives of Government time to time send their toughts, we always publish point of view of both parties.
    Dozens of peoples have been criticizing army rule and dictatorship previously but we appreciate that no one even harased or blocked our website. Sorry to say that current democratic setup has made many attemts to shut voice of peoples.
    American war of terror has deeply divided Pakistani society but our doors are opened for both point of views. Our majority of writers are patriot Pakistani citizens, law abiding citizens according to their previous point of views.
    It is a beauty of discussion that everyone is allowed to represent its point of view openly and without any fear to make Pakistan a better place to live.
    According to our policy we did not disclose name and adresses of any employee or any memeber of website for the safety and security of individuals.
    Blockade of website is an invitation for public to use other methods to reach our website and a large number of writers from Pakistan are not only using alternate methods but regularly participating in discussions. Such kind of tactics like blockade of websites is a free publicity and compell peoples to watch blocked material, it is human nature.
    Government of Pakistan should not made joke of itself and restrictions may be removed immediately

  3. Yasir Ahmed | Feb 14, 2010 | Reply

    Its a shamefull act for PTA

  4. Wicky | Feb 27, 2010 | Reply

    PTA again issued a notification to block the & Domains. This happened around 10 days back I am using WorldCall Wireless USB. I ask them why is not opening they told PTA is again to block the blog.

    Not only, but any blogs hosted on these domains are not loading.

  5. webmaster | Feb 28, 2010 | Reply

    Asslam O Alaikum

    Dear All

    It has been come to our knowledge that restrictions on your site , imposed by Pakistani government on 18-Jan-2010 has been removed and now site is accessible in Pakistan after 40 days.

    This all has happened with the grace of Allah and with your prayers and efforts.

    Site was un-accessible in Pakistan for almost 40 days, from 18-01-2010 to 26-02-2010.

    On this special occasion we would like to thank to Allah and to all of you.

    Our special Thanks to

    Mr Syed Agha Ata Ullah,

    Mr International Professor,

    Mr Sami Ullah Malik,

    Mr Amjad Malik,

    Mr Asmat Hayat Alvi,

    Mr Iqbal Hadi Zaidi,

    Mr Awab Alvi

    and all of you.

    Please be with us like you were this time and always.

    Please check site’s accessibility in your area and confirm to us.

    for Details

    Thank you once again

    Allah hafiz


  6. Advocate | Apr 5, 2010 | Reply

    It is indeed a disgraceful act on behalf of PTA. Such an action is against the principles of freedom of expression and speech and should not go unchecked.

    I believe a writ should immediately be filed in the respective High Court of Pakistan against such an arbitrary whimsical act of PTA.

    Advocate High court

  7. Advocate | Apr 5, 2010 | Reply

    PTA has no authority to block websites without giving any reasons. PTA has overstepped its authority and should be held accountable.

  8. ajaz ch | May 19, 2010 | Reply

    its the great nd 1st islamic actions of pakistan govt, may allah give us more courage , nd to all other islamic countries,
    great are the men who filed nd who decide the case in L.H.C. allah bless them also, such are actual mujahad of islam
    we love Muhammad nd will in any case

  9. | May 6, 2011 | Reply

    Pakistan is a Islamic country but our leaders are so bad, he did not work in Pakistan he is only work for our self, i request to our leaders please save us Pakistan.

  10. khurram | Nov 6, 2011 | Reply

    first time its the islamic actions of pakistan govt, may allah give us more courage to block all the bad websites in Pakistan,
    great are the men who filed nd who decide the case in L.H.C. allah bless them also, such are actual mujahad of islam.

  11. khurram | Nov 6, 2011 | Reply

    we want all pornography websites also blocked for us in pakistan thanks

  12. sana | Sep 15, 2012 | Reply

    There is a some porn sites.That are running in pakistan plz check the internet details and block it according to the rule of PTA Government.
    Plz take action

  13. salik | Sep 16, 2012 | Reply

    where is the PTA why you guys are not blocking the mv agianst islaam against MUHAMMAD(P.B.U.H). this should b blocked in pakistan plz do something if you guyz are muslims……………..

    time to think

4 Trackback(s)

  1. Feb 12, 2010: PTA blocks website : Make Pakistan Better | Teeth Maestro
  2. Feb 13, 2010: PTA blocks website : Make Pakistan Better
  3. Mar 12, 2010: World Day Against Cyber Censorship | Teeth Maestro
  4. Mar 12, 2010: World Day Against Cyber Censorship in Pakistan : Don’t Block the Blog

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